Cake Decoration
As an active Wilton Method Instructor I teach at Michael's Stores:
Course 1: Decorating Basics
Course 2: Flowers and Cake Design
Course 3: Gum Paste and Fondant
Course 4: Advance Gum Paste and Fondant
Each course is four two hours sessions. Each week, one session class, so the course duration is 4 weeks. You should register on time, at least two or three days in advance. Minimum students required are four and maximum fifteen.
To register for Courses 2, 3 and 4 you should have taken before Course1-Decorating Basics. For Course 4 we recommend that Course 3 should be taken.
I also teach a special course "MOMMY & ME". In this course you will discover with your child the world of cake decorating. Its content is the same as Course 1- Decorating Basics. It is a fun and a great experience.
PROJECT CLASSES are another posibility to learn. They are one or two two hours sessions classes. There are differents Project Classes for ADULTS and KIDS. They are scheduled on weekends.
For dates and time of classes being taught at Michael's located at West Kendall Center click on SCHEDULE.
Registrations in advance at the store. Supplies are extra. List of suplies are given when registered.